Phone insurance is a protection plan for your phone in case your phone gets lost, stolen, or damaged. With phone insurance, you pay a monthly premium to ensure coverage for your phone. Some phone insurance can cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars to stay covered. Before you sign up for phone insurance, it is best to do your research to know the best option for you.
When getting phone insurance, one of the things that you need to know is the difference between premiums and deductibles. A premium is your monthly cost for keeping your coverage, while a deductible is a cost that goes towards paying off an electronic device.

Your Deductible/Premiums Could Equal The Amount You Paid For Your Phone
The price of phone insurance could increase and eventually cost the same if you had to replace your phone. If that is the case, most people will wonder what’s the point of getting phone insurance if I am still paying full price for a new phone. Before signing up for an insurance plan, do the math to ensure your premiums and deductibles are worth it. If you are trying to stay within a budget, it is best to look at alternatives to determine what will be best for you. Remember, if that new sleek iPhone breaks, your deductibles could skyrocket.

You Don’t Decide On Your Phone Replacement.
If your phone gets damaged to the point that you need a replacement, you may not get the phone you want. Phone insurance companies are not in the business of having the latest inventory of phones. Therefore, if you have the latest iPhone or Google Pixel, you will most likely have to get used to using an older phone model that doesn’t have the features you like.

Your Phone Insurance Can Change After You Make A Claim
Once you make a claim to your phone insurance, it can change your coverage. Some phone insurance companies drop you once you make a claim. For customers, this can be frustrating because it defeats the purpose of having phone insurance.
Higher premiums can also occur when you make a claim. It costs money for phone insurance companies to repair damaged or replace non-repairable devices. Because of that, some insurance companies can be reluctant to deliver on the agreements that they have made when they realize the commitment that they have made with their customers will cost them.
Phone insurance can be there to protect your devices when you need it. Without phone insurance, you may have to pay for a new device out of pocket or handle the repair cost alone. If you purchase your device with a warranty, you can probably get a new device or repair it for little to no cost. Of course, this is possible if your device warranty has not expired.

The Phixey Way
Suppose you do not want to protect your smartphone with phone insurance but are looking for an alternative to protect your device. Become a Phixey member. You can keep your phone safe without any premiums or deductibles. Phixey has add-ons that make your membership worthwhile. Get access to unlimited data plans for $10 a month, free repairs, and access to device accessories for $4.95.
Join a membership that comes with tremendous benefits. Phixey is revolutionizing the way that you view phone protection.
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