Technology has grown tremendously over the past decade. The advancement of technology has made its way into so many industries, from hospitality, medical, construction, etc. Today consumers own many devices like smartwatches, laptops, iPads, and desktop computers. With so many electronics accessible to millions of people, there is a need for faster-performing technology. Innovative ideas are happening rapidly. The future of technology is happening right now. Here are some trends that you should know about in 2022.

6G Coming Soon
6G will provide speed up to 20 gigabits per second. Because the new standard speed will be 10 to 100 times faster, changes are being made for consumers who use their cell phones to browse the internet and stream video content. The 6th Generation of technology, also known as 6G, has many benefits that consumers and industries can reap: more mobile connections, higher data rates, independent frequencies, and extensive coverage.
It is common for you to alternate between using your smartphone, apple watch, laptop, and other devices throughout the day. An advantage of 6G is that it will allow individuals to connect with multiple devices on a WiFi network seamlessly.

More Intelligent Devices
When you look at the size of laptops and tablets, it's hard to believe that there was a time when computers filled up the size of a standard size room. Smart technology is more than just smartphones and smart TVs. Intelligent electronics can be found in your kitchen appliances, restaurants, and other local businesses. This year, there will be different smart devices beyond what we have seen. Robots serving customers inside stores are on the rise. Also, smart home devices that help clean your home and smart styling tools such as blow dryers are making their way into the consumers and businesses market.

Extended Reality
More augmented reality is becoming known in education, entertainment, real estate, community events, etc. VR headsets such as Oculus, Meta, and Sony Playstation are rising in popularity. Changing the way consumers play video games and how individuals access the virtual world. Currently, consumers are integrating their VR headsets with their PCs and laptops. Soon, there could be an expanding demand for standalone VR headsets.

3D Printing
3D printing is the process of making three-dimensional items from a digital file. It allows you to create various things such as jewelry, home decor pieces, shoes, etc. You can create a 3D model from scratch or download it from a 3D library.
There are so many different software tools to create your 3D model. Tinkercad is a software tool that is beneficial for anyone in the beginning stages of using a 3D printer. It is free and works in a browser, so you don't have to worry about installing it on your computer. With Tinkercad, you will get beginner lessons and add-on features to export your models as a printable file (.STL or . OBJ). Ultimaker Cura is another excellent software tool recommended to new users. It integrates well with 3D printers and guides new users.

New Energy Solutions
With global warming becoming more evident each year, it is no surprise that technology and energy solutions are merging to find ways that we can save our planet. Households today consume 37% more energy than they did in 1980. Although we are using more power than we did decades ago, we can still be intentional about our energy. Tracking systems on devices can provide reports on the amount of energy used.
After you are aware of the energy used, the next step is to take action. Solar panels are one of the most common ways to save on energy. Most consumers of solar panels are in states that have warmer weather throughout the year, such as Arizona, Florida, and California.
Prominent companies are in the process of producing environmental home products to help homeowners maintain energy-efficient homes. Energy-efficient heat pump systems will warm and cool homes with less electricity than traditional heating pumps. The same energy-efficient concept will be used for household appliances like clothes dryers, sensory lights, and additional insulation material.
Device Repairs
No matter what trends you decide to indulge in this year, phixey has your back when it comes to repairs for your smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and more. With the usage of more devices, the potential for more accidents on your devices is likely to happen. Before electronic accidents happen, become a member of Phixey for free repairs and discounts to a wide range of deals for tech accessories and protection.